Accelerated Contract Review with
Legartis Prompts
Unlock the power of Legartis with access to dozens of tested and validated prompts.
Experience unprecedented automation and speed during contract review.
How Legartis Prompts work
To make it even easier for you to automate your contract review, the Legartis Prompt Library is available for the most common use cases. Use the predefined Legartis prompts to quickly automate your most important clauses.
1. Go to Legartis Prompts
For example: would you like to have the duration of the notice period automatically checked and approved?
- Go to the Legartis Prompts
- Select from the predefined criteria
- Follow the instruction
2. Select the prompt conditions
Legartis guides you through the selection of the prompt conditions for the cancellation period:
- Simple sequence for making the selection
- Intuitive drop-down navigation
- Predefined conditions
3. Save your automation
Now save the selection for the company requirement that is to be automatically checked and approved in future contracts.
- Automation completed within 1 minute
- High degree of customisation
- Company requirement immediately released for automation
Legartis prompts for immediate acceleration
Instant automation of your most important clauses
Child's play - no prompting experience required
High test quality of the AI due to widely tested prompts
Unleash the full potential of Legartis
Say goodbye to lengthy, complex contract processes!
Legartis' AI empowers legal, sales, and procurement teams to efficiently handle contract reviews on a large scale.